Community internet strike, coming soon? (in Links)

QBOddBird January 5 2012 3:28 PM EST

QBRanger January 5 2012 4:11 PM EST

Do you really think the government cares about what the common people think?

The exact same people for whom insider trading is legal.

They will do what they want as long as it gives more power, not less, to the government.

Phoenix [The Forgehood] January 5 2012 5:32 PM EST

I'm sorry, but when has insider trading been legal exactly?

Demigod January 5 2012 6:06 PM EST

Too lazy to shorten:

QBOddBird January 7 2012 2:08 AM EST

Do you really think the government cares about what the common people think?

You're jumping onto a related topic, but that's not what the link is about.
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