Kat's Forge Pt. 10 (in Services)

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] December 18 2011 10:28 AM EST

Kat's Forge Pt. 9
K so now that I can forge for Tal again let's take care of some of this debt...

Start A Trollskin Armor [22] (+41) NW $2,882,823
Debt stands at $25,584,049

Laterz q=-P...

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] January 14 2012 11:36 PM EST

Well at least I made some progress lol...

Start A Trollskin Armor [22] (+41) NW $2,882,823
Currently A Trollskin Armor [22] (+43) NW $3,727,869
Total off debt at 70% $591,532

Total on this item $591,532

Debt stands at $24,992,517

Laterz q=-P...
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