Gohan/Listener Forging (in Public Record)

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] October 31 2011 1:13 PM EDT

Listener will be taking my base SoD to x3000 for 72%.

Gohan (Gohan) Listener (Wraithlin) $1000000 -- Forge Downpayment 1:12 PM EDT

Gohan (Gohan) Listener (Wraithlin) loan A Sling of Death ($606) 1:11 PM EDT

1m paid prior to forge starting.

Listener [Fees Dirt Cheap] October 31 2011 1:19 PM EDT


Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] November 5 2011 12:26 AM EDT

Gohan (Gohan) Listener (Wraithlin) $2000000 -- Forge Payment 12:24 AM EDT

A Sling of Death [5x289] (+0) $2,506,205

At 72%= 1804467.6

3m paid so far so im +1,195,532.4

Good fast work =)

Listener [Fees Dirt Cheap] November 6 2011 7:22 PM EST

Confirmed, and thanks!

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] November 14 2011 2:12 PM EST

Well since i apparently cannot do math when i first wake up,

Current: A Sling of Death [5x732] (+0) $6,360,305

At 72%: 4,579,419.6

Gohan (Gohan) Listener (Wraithlin) $3383888 2:03 PM EST

3m + 3383888

6,383,888 paid

6383888-45794196 = 1804467.6 ahead of schedule.

My original goal was to make us perfectly even, but I was groggy and didn't do the math correctly!

Listener [Fees Dirt Cheap] November 14 2011 3:01 PM EST

Or maybe you're just faster at earning money than I am at forging ;)
Confirmed, received and continuing . . .

Gohan [Ka-Tet of the Serene] November 22 2011 12:09 AM EST

Gohan (Gohan) Listener (Wraithlin) $1201815 12:09 AM EST

all paid up for now, onto next week!
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