Stats are a bitch huh?
No, stats are interesting... always interesting, even the really bad/misleading ones because they teach us something too.
That gallup poll was actually quite an interesting and I don't see any reason to disagree with the numbers there...
Such as 59% of respondents don't identify themselves as conservative!
See what I did there? That's the same data you gave, but presentation is everything baby.
Let's face it, 77% don't call themselves liberals too! Both sides can win.
I believe the actual phrasing was this:
"How would you describe your political views -- very conservative, conservative, moderate, liberal, or very liberal?"
Now the US is a somewhat conservative country (yes, it is) so it is natural to expect a leaning to that side of the spectrum... actually doesn't surprise me one bit. But here's the thing, saying "I'm conservative" doesn't mean you don't hold some left-wing ideals, it simply means that, on the whole, you identify more closely with being 'conservative'... whatever you interpret that to mean.
Those sorts of stats are kind of a red-herring in that article... we KNOW it is a left wing protest... hell the same numbers would make a survey of the Tea Party look just as unrepresentative (though less so, since the US is kinda uptight).
Did you know that the 1995 Million Man March was completely unrepresentative of the US populace? It was, like, 90% black dudes and the national surveys at the time identified less than 15% of the population as black. Heck, only about half of that 15% would be dudes... so you see, they should have been ignored too... all thanks to irrelevant stats.
The most interesting thing I took from that Gallup article was this:
"Longer term, the Gallup ideology trend, dating from 1992, documents increased political polarization in the country. The percentage of moderates has fallen to the mid-30s from the low 40s, while the combined percentage either liberal or conservative is now 62%, up from 53%."
The politics of division, it seems, are accomplishing one thing at least.