i love cb (in Off-topic)

AdminTal Destra October 9 2011 3:30 PM EDT

yuip, don't know ho mayny i dont i love u

thbaks fex for nospelllll chiek

Lochnivar October 9 2011 3:32 PM EDT


Quyen October 9 2011 3:38 PM EDT

Yeah, drunk tal xD

Demigod October 9 2011 3:46 PM EDT

Drunk posts are fun, but isn't it around noon-thirty where you are, Tal?

AdminTal Destra October 9 2011 3:47 PM EDT

is 245

AdminTal Destra October 9 2011 3:47 PM EDT

drun is time limit?

Demigod October 9 2011 3:47 PM EDT

It's happy hour somewhere. Tear it up.

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 9 2011 3:49 PM EDT


AdminTal Destra October 9 2011 3:52 PM EDT

yo toooo ka

AdminTal Destra October 9 2011 5:29 PM EDT

who druk?

cb eawy to hit fight
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