Unlearn by (in General)

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] September 22 2011 10:30 AM EDT

Why cant we unlearn by lvl or exp like we can train by lvl and xp ... I think it would be convenient

Joel September 22 2011 10:39 AM EDT

This man's wish is the wish of all who play CB!! Give this to us!!!

QBRanger September 22 2011 10:45 AM EDT

Been asked since the beginning of time.

Jon was against such things.

AdminNightStrike September 22 2011 10:54 AM EDT

In the beginning, I imagine there were technical limitations because of the e^x nature of XP > level.

To do it right would require having a minimum unlearn amount equal to the 2% loss you'd ordinairily see. So it'd be a convenience, not an XP saver.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 22 2011 11:01 AM EDT

2% loss you'd ordinairily see. So it'd be a convenience, not an XP saver.

I'd take it, just b/c right now, if you want to move around 5% of your exp, and it's all in a big strat, you lose like 1/2 of your score.

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] September 22 2011 11:27 AM EDT

Yeah thats my big thing, im sure noone is concerned aboht the 2% that you lose ... Thats understandable ...

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 22 2011 11:30 AM EDT

ns, you are saying that if you have 100m in that stat but are only untraining 30m of it you would still pay the 2m penalty based on the total xp in the stat, correct?

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] September 22 2011 11:32 AM EDT

I would think they would redo it to 2% of the 30 mil, it makes little more sense ...

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 22 2011 11:32 AM EDT

100m in that stat but are only untraining 30m of it you would still pay the 2m penalty based on the total xp in the stat, correct?

This is how I took it.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 22 2011 11:32 AM EDT

To do it right would require having a minimum unlearn amount equal to the 2% loss you'd ordinairily see.

AdminNightStrike September 22 2011 11:44 AM EDT

Yes, 2% on total. Otherwise, CB has proven its desire to abuse the system. I give it about 20 nanoseconds before some joker untrains 1 level at a time.

I forgot about the score thing. That's harder to deal with.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 22 2011 11:46 AM EDT

thanks for the verification! ; )

Demigod September 22 2011 11:47 AM EDT

I give it about 20 nanoseconds before some joker untrains 1 level at a time.

So, make it cost 50 BA to retrain anything at all. :)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 22 2011 11:47 AM EDT

there would also have to be a check then that kept people from going negative or even a minimum cutoff where it wouldn't work?

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] September 22 2011 11:53 AM EDT

Thats what I was thinkin, do a min unlearn like atleazt 2% of what youve already trained then take the 2% pen from that so to go with the 100 mil example you would have to untrain atleast 2 mil and the 2% comes from that ...

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 22 2011 11:55 AM EDT

no, i agree with ns on the original cost being 2% of total. i am just saying that in my above example where you have 100m total the penalty will be 2m.

if someone put in to untrain 1m, it should check and basically disallow that transaction. by minimum i really meant that it would let people if they weren't gonna come out at least 1m xp ahead or something.

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] September 22 2011 11:59 AM EDT

No matter what direction they take with it, I just wanna be able to untrain certain amounts and not just all of it

QBRanger September 22 2011 1:58 PM EDT


How are people going to come out ahead?

Just make it that the penalty applies to the amount of xp unlearned.

If you have 10M levels in HP and wish to unlearn 2M, you get a 5% penalty on only that 2M. Or 100k levels lost.

If people want to unlearn 1 at a time, fine. Make it round up the penalty. So for 1 xp unlearned, it is 12 x .05 = .6 xp rounds to 1 xp lost. For 2 xp unlearned it is 24 x .05 = 1.2 xp or rounds to 2. Abuse ended.

Want to unlearn 2M of a 10M DM. Fine, you take a penalty of 2% of 2M or 40k levels. Instead of the current 200k levels unlearning the whole thing.

I personally would love this change and think it would make strat changes easier but not pain free, some xp will still be lost.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 22 2011 2:02 PM EDT

ns is the one that stated the original penalty would still need to be applied, i was merely wanting to assure people didn't come out with a net loss due to the penalty being higher than the amount they want to untrain.

QBRanger September 22 2011 2:09 PM EDT


But then why even have partial unlearning at all if the penalty is going to be on the whole amount?

That would see a waste of precious programming time to accomplish very little.

The benefit would be partial xp loss instead of total xp loss.

IE for me.

If I would unlearn 2M hp from Mick and put it to dex, I would easily do that. But to take the penalty on the whole 22M hp I would never consider.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 22 2011 2:21 PM EDT

i think titan explained that best above.

I'd take it, just b/c right now, if you want to move around 5% of your exp, and it's all in a big strat, you lose like 1/2 of your score.

later though ns said he wasn't sure how score would work. convenience also comes to mind.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 22 2011 2:21 PM EDT

personally though i would vote for other changes having priority.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 22 2011 2:25 PM EDT

I'd take it, just b/c right now, if you want to move around 5% of your exp, and it's all in a big strat, you lose like 1/2 of your score.

Also, this doesn't seem like a big deal when you're fighting people above 6M score b/c they are active. But, if you go for a retrain when you're an NCB at like 500k score, retraining kills you b/c you basically ruin all of your opponents.

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] September 22 2011 2:39 PM EDT

Hell yeah you do titan

QBRanger September 22 2011 2:48 PM EDT

Scores settle quite quickly after retraining. When I retrained Horror in its numerous past characters, scores quickly returned to normal.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] September 22 2011 2:52 PM EDT

That's only b/c you're fighting active people, if I've got 500k score and 200k PR and I retrain, my score goes to 200k quite possibly. Then the non-active people I'm farming scores lower to like 400k across the bored, if say I'm farming 2-3 people. Now I'm only getting 80% CB. It's just completely terrible to retrain as a low level NCB right now.

QBRanger September 22 2011 3:04 PM EDT

Fair point.

But without a partial untrain leading to partial xp loss, I really see little reason to waste precious programming time in this endeavor.
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