Netflix (in Off-topic)

winner winner September 2 2011 8:45 AM EDT

does anyone here have a netflix account that I can rent?

winner winner September 2 2011 8:47 AM EDT

Maybe this should be in FS/WTB but I'm not sure.

Lord Bob September 2 2011 10:11 AM EDT

I'm pretty sure this is against Netflix's terms of use.

QBsutekh137 September 2 2011 10:23 AM EDT

Why would you not just sign up, get the free introductory month (or whatever it is), and then use month-to-month? I think you can sign up and then cancel at will, so assuming you would be "renting" it for 10-15 bucks anyway, just get an account. Can we get details on what you are trying to get done? There are a lot of streaming services these days, and since you are willing to pay, why not just use them?
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