I clicked fight ... (in Off-topic)

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] August 31 2011 5:34 PM EDT

And used all of my ba in doing so

Reyth August 31 2011 5:39 PM EDT

Ya and you just made $500 amirite? :P

Reyth August 31 2011 5:40 PM EDT

Don't worry u'll get more and you also might want to click the "get more" link as well if you haven't already. ;)

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] August 31 2011 5:42 PM EDT

something along those lines ... its been a long time since ive played and im not gonna buy any ba, just use what im given, not going for a top char with this one, just gonna try and get back into the game

Demigod August 31 2011 5:44 PM EDT

See if joining a clan helps.

Reyth August 31 2011 5:45 PM EDT

Oh, LOL I just noticed you're in Gondor. :D

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] August 31 2011 5:46 PM EDT

I might get around to that, i want to get back into the cb swing of things first.

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] August 31 2011 5:47 PM EDT

Yeah Reyth, its just been a good while.

Reyth August 31 2011 5:56 PM EDT

Well we have a NCB available now, you might wanna check it out when you feel like it. Its a great way to get up there if you want to.

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] August 31 2011 5:59 PM EDT

lol, I was still around when that started, i know a little ... its the strats i gotta get back into, thats what i feel im gonna have the most trouble with

Areodjarekput August 31 2011 6:00 PM EDT

His current character is an NCB :)

Also, welcome back. If you need any help (CBD, weapons, armor), just let me know and I'll probably be able to help you out.

Areodjarekput August 31 2011 6:02 PM EDT

You just ninja'd me there.

If you need strat help, feel free to ask in chat or send me a CM/PM if I'm in chat. I love talking strategy.

AdminNightStrike August 31 2011 6:25 PM EDT

You should be able to make enough money to at least buy ba during XP time

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] August 31 2011 6:27 PM EDT

that would probably be the only time i buy ba NS

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] August 31 2011 6:28 PM EDT

you can do quite well with a solid strategy and using all of your natural ba and buying only during bonus xp time. welcome back slam! ; )

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] August 31 2011 6:29 PM EDT

Thanks Dude, im excited to be back
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