4million MPR Milestone! (in General)

Unappreciated Misnomer August 21 2011 12:01 AM EDT

And it only took me 665 days. :D

Next task is to reach 6/20, but if im growing at about he same rate as the largest character and im currently ~450k from that mark today. I cant see how many more days...

Reyth August 21 2011 12:08 AM EDT


Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] August 21 2011 12:09 AM EDT

Huzzah! Congrats.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 21 2011 12:10 AM EDT


Fishead August 21 2011 12:30 AM EDT

Nice job. Congrats!

Quyen August 21 2011 4:33 AM EDT

gratz, and i hope you get to 6/20 way faster than 665 days :D

IPoop August 21 2011 7:04 PM EDT


Duke August 23 2011 10:46 PM EDT

Your fight list is way too long. You are not at 6/20 and you are wasting potential challenge bonus.

Unappreciated Misnomer August 24 2011 5:55 AM EDT

Your fight list is way too long. You are not at 6/20 and you are wasting potential challenge bonus.

Yes, but I call it taking one for the team to remain in a Clan. Because I am sure you are aware of the over abundance of clan targets in my range. BTW thanks for your support, Ill return the favor.

Added the following opponents to your favorites list:

* Valvalis

winner winner August 24 2011 7:20 AM EDT

Your two best targets are both in a clan. Most of your lower targets are not in a clan.

How is adding non-clan members helping you stay in a clan?
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