Sienna/SK (in Public Record)

winner winner August 6 2011 11:12 PM EDT

I am selling Shinobi Legends and my 11,405,161 RoBF to Sienna for 115m. Please confirm.

Catdog August 6 2011 11:14 PM EDT


Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 8 2011 8:58 PM EDT

Ok so now here I come in with a bit of support and fill out the parameters of the deal.

It's fairly simple: Nat has Loaned the Down Payment, 15 Mil sent to me, which Sienna will pay off ASAP.

I come in to Pay the remainder which is 100 Mil. This is to be paid at the regular rate of 2 USD to 1 Mil CBD. It will be paid in one lump sum at the end of a two month period of time.

After this amount is paid Shinobi Legends will effectively be on Loan to Sienna until the full amount is paid off. This will be at an agreed upon amount that will facilitate maximum usage of the char.

Both Parties if you agree with the above terms please confirm.

winner winner August 8 2011 9:00 PM EDT


Catdog August 8 2011 9:14 PM EDT

agreed lets do this

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 8 2011 9:22 PM EDT

Zenai (FuerGrissa ost Drauka) Serialkiller (Shinobi Legends) $15000000 -- DP for SL/Sienna 9:18 PM EDT

It has been agreed upon in PMs that SL will be sent sometime tmw when some item loans return.

winner winner August 10 2011 1:17 AM EDT

Character and tattoo have both been sent.
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