Duke/Marlfox (in Public Record)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 7 2011 9:13 AM EDT

Duke is buying the following items from my sale at 70% of NW:

A Set of Boots of Fortitude [12] (+29) NW: $2,401,305
A Pair of Elven Boots [10] (+29) NW: $6,722,098

Total price: $7,258,524


Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 8 2011 8:25 PM EDT

Whoops, I'm a moron. Duke is just buying an NSC + 15 @ 70%, bringing his new total to $5,577,611.

Duke July 8 2011 8:28 PM EDT

Confirme waiting for some CBD.

Duke July 11 2011 11:42 AM EDT

Duke (Valvalis) Marlfox (shop keeper) $5577611 -- NSC payment 11:42 AM EDT

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 11 2011 1:37 PM EDT

Marlfox (shop keeper) Duke (Valvalis) A Set of Noldorin Spellcasters ($7968016) 1:36 PM EDT
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