How about a year long tourney? (in General)

QBRanger July 6 2011 12:28 PM EDT

How about it.

To test all the theories we are putting in the forums.

A bonus of 500-1000%.

Have rares cost as much as they do by average cost in auctions. The only change would be that everyone can get a base tattoo anytime they want.

It is a closed system. If we cannot have 2 tourneys at the same time, I for 1 would love to play such a tourney.

The only real problem I can see if the available of items would be more than that of the normal game. However right now one can most likely get any item they want for a decent price.

Supporter items will have to be dealt with differently. I suggest 3-4M per supporter item to keep things equal.

Have the prize be something really good. Like a 15M level tattoo or a 100M NW weapon. Or something really rare such as a +15 corn that somehow does not add PR or uses ENC.


Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 6 2011 12:57 PM EDT

I'm all for a year long tourney, though I'd prefer it if multiple tourneys were set up first before something like this were to happen, as I know myself and a few others enjoy the occasional short day long tourney for fun.

Though I don't think there should be a massive prize for this one especially if the idea is to test many of the theories that are floating around, I'd do it for sport more then anything.

Small prizes maybe, but a 15m nw tat no way that's just too big to be handing out even if it does take a year to win, +15 corn that doesnt add pr or enc no way, that's just too insane. 100m nw weapon isn't that far fetched but I'd still say its a bit much. That would really be up to whatever admin decides to say ok to the idea though.

I say all this being one who would obviously participate and have just as much of a chance at winning as most of the top tier competitive players.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] July 6 2011 1:05 PM EDT

set up the standard tourn. store and disallow transfers from those characters as well as auctions and add the higher cost for supporter items and i would love to play...forever!

QBRanger July 6 2011 1:16 PM EDT

set up the standard tourn. store and disallow transfers from those characters as well as auctions and add the higher cost for supporter items and i would love to play...forever!

Is that not the current tourney system we have in place?

It would be sort of a CB3 within CB2.

QBRanger July 6 2011 1:17 PM EDT

I say all this being one who would obviously participate and have just as much of a chance at winning as most of the top tier competitive players.

In this situation, everyone would have the same chance to compete and win. With the advantage to those that use most BA. Especially in the early stages before 6 regeneration.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 6 2011 1:19 PM EDT

Pfft just make it an indefinite Mode of Play and call it Sandbox.

QBRanger July 6 2011 1:21 PM EDT

I think the admins can change the end date on the tourney at anytime.

I just suggested a year, but if we can have 2 going at once, make it an indefinite tourney and I am all-in.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] July 6 2011 1:36 PM EDT

This is not going to happen until:

1) the Tscore bug is fixed.

2) Tchars can not give rewards to normal chars in any way.

3) Tchars do not count towards the highest char in any way for purposes of determining both individual and universal ba rates and price.

4) we have multiple concurrent tourney capability.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] July 6 2011 1:37 PM EDT

Well get it done then Nat :P

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 6 2011 1:37 PM EDT

In this situation, everyone would have the same chance to compete and win. With the advantage to those that use most BA. Especially in the early stages before 6 regeneration.

Well that was kind of my point, I know everyone has basically the same chance to win, but I know myself and any other serious hardcore competitor out there will burn up every single bit of BA they can possibly muster. Which for someone like myself can literally be all of it. I think I only missed a total of 2-3 days worth of BA through out my entire NCB.

Which really ends up being whoever can burn the most BA for a year = the winner. Which yeah will pretty much be the case either way, but considering not everyone can do that it does give a much smaller window to win and a much bigger chance at the prize for those who can burn every last bit.

I mean that's just my opinion on it, obviously some might feel differently.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] July 6 2011 1:41 PM EDT

Xeno, I've started week long, no BA cap tourneys a week late and still won, burning significantly less BA, so has Nat and plenty others. Burning all of your BA will definitely help, but it's not the end all.

Xenogard [Chaotic Serenity] July 6 2011 2:14 PM EDT

Titan like I said its just my opinion when concerning such large prizes that have been presented as suggestions for winning. I know burning BA its not the end all be all, as I myself have won tourneys burning up less BA then others, but over the course of an entire year it does add up.

I mean just as an example I ran my ncb at 100% bonus for a full 3 months without missing a single bit of BA the entire time. Obviously I cant re-create those exact conditions but I hope I somewhat am getting my point across. It really has everything to do with the size of the prizes above, we are talking about rather large NW stuff here, regardless if it takes a year or not to win it. I just don't feel like a tourney like this warrants such a massive prize.

Again like I said, just my opinion.

Quyen July 7 2011 7:06 AM EDT

why not 2 base items of the winners choice? if he would choose a TSA and MgS for example :3

Phrede July 7 2011 7:42 AM EDT

Great idea - either year long - or neverending (sandbox) mode. We certainly need something to keep CB going.
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