That Charity event we do every year? (in General)

Kirimori July 2 2011 8:13 AM EDT

Anyone remember the name of that charity event we collect CBD for every year? Also, who would/could I send CBD to for that collection (in advance).
I am quitting the game and once I sell off all my stuff, I will sitting on a load of CBD that I won't be using so I decided giving it to that charity event would be best.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 2 2011 8:20 AM EDT

The name of the charity is Child's Play, and I believe OB or dudemus run the collection.

Quyen July 2 2011 8:36 AM EDT

why not give it to me? :p

AdminTal Destra July 2 2011 9:13 AM EDT

Click here to give CBD

QBRanger July 2 2011 9:56 AM EDT

Has anybody done anything with the 134M sitting in that account for more than 6 months?

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 2 2011 11:08 AM EDT

Nope, last year was a bit skimpy so I'm guessing they were waiting for this years drive.

Quyen July 2 2011 11:09 AM EDT

what happens normally with the money on the charity characters? :o

QBRanger July 2 2011 11:10 AM EDT

134M at 2/million =268 skimpy in this economy?

I disagree but would not that money on the charity ASAP be better than hording for a larger donation later?

Just sayin!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 2 2011 11:16 AM EDT

I should have elaborated. I meant skimpy in sales, not many bought the CBD packages last drive even at $3 per Mil. (you know it is always a bit above market prices.)

So save it for the next run, with more donations to acquire it should be a better run this year even if they drop it to market prices.

QBRanger July 2 2011 11:25 AM EDT

And you think in this economy people are going to buy CB at higher than market rates? Even for a charity as good as this one.

Not to be Mr. Negative, but all over things are tight.

If we can sell all that CB for 2/million, it will be a chore. Add this years donations and I do not know if we will sell it all.

Unless you buy it all Z :)

Unappreciated Misnomer July 2 2011 11:30 AM EDT

I somewhat agree that it would sell easily at $2/mil but I think the Charity deserves better.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 2 2011 11:40 AM EDT

Not disagreeing with you Ranger, just pointing out this is what has always been done. As far as buying it all myself, and nov gots more munay than meeee!

Either way I do think if it is a good cause then ppl should at least try to pitch in a bit more than normal. This is just me though, I agree that if the only way to sell it and get money to Child's Play is to sell it at exactly market prices then so be it.

QBRanger July 2 2011 11:47 AM EDT

Not disagreeing with you Ranger, just pointing out this is what has always been done. As far as buying it all myself, and nov gots more munay than meeee!

I have no idea about your RL money situation. Mine is little more RL money in this game till certain things are balanced much better. I named a few items to help out NS as he is a good person. But my buying CB is very much winding down to nothing as imbalances still persist. But that is my personal opinion.

Either way I do think if it is a good cause then ppl should at least try to pitch in a bit more than normal. This is just me though, I agree that if the only way to sell it and get money to Child's Play is to sell it at exactly market prices then so be it.

I agree it is a great cause. However I am also a realist. I have many other charities I give both money and time here in Davie. Most people do the same. To ask people, at this point in CBs life, to donate extra is I think asking a bit much.

2/million would hurt the NUB sellouts and still make some decent buck for Charity.

Again, my opinion only trying to be as realistic as possible.

But I think you and I both agree in principle. The small details are where we differ.
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