powered by cold fusion! (in Links)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 16 2011 10:56 PM EDT


Sickone April 17 2011 4:42 AM EDT

Heard of those guys before.
Mighty convenient, in a way, that they have a perfectly legitimate excuse to not "show their work".
On the other hand, who knows, it might actually function as advertised, but wouldn't hold my breath for that.
Hope it does, fear it won't.

Demigod April 17 2011 12:20 PM EDT

inventors plan to commercialize their machine, and the Greek government is even considering giving them the funds to do so.

Anyone remember the high-interest loan bailout to Greece in 2010? Yeah... double fail.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 17 2011 11:57 PM EDT

hell, does anyone remember grecian formula for men?

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