today's word of the day on my igoogle page was afflatus. i was already familiar with the word flatus so i got a good chuckle when i saw the definition of afflatus! ; )
March 28 2011 1:19 PM EDT
If you are getting the same difinitions that I am it is indeed chuckle worthy.
Lord Bob
March 28 2011 1:19 PM EDT
Word of the day:
afflatus - a divine inspiration.
Full definition: A divine imparting of knowledge; inspiration.
March 28 2011 1:34 PM EDT
flatus ヨnoun, plural -tusᄋes.
intestinal gas produced by bacterial action on waste matter in the intestines and composed primarily of hydrogen sulfide and varying amounts of methane.
The juxtaposition of the two is simply delightful...
i knew that at least some cb'ers would appreciate this! ; )
March 28 2011 4:35 PM EDT
like they always say, a flatus is afflatus... :D
(incorrect English, I know, but amusing nonetheless)
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