Tal/Silva Deal (in Public Record)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] January 14 2011 3:28 PM EST

Tal will be selling me his +12 NSC for 2.5mil on a pay plan. If he has a specific amount he wants per week, please reply to this thread. I have 1mil ready as a down payment.

Please confirm and tell me where to send the money.


AdminTal Destra January 14 2011 3:30 PM EST

Archilochus (Chaotic Endeavors) FailBoat[SG] (Hardcore Fail) A Set of Noldorin Spellcasters ($1328835) 3:30 PM EST

send the money to my character Banker Pomegranate please.

AdminTal Destra January 14 2011 3:31 PM EST

oh and not worried about money per week, so long as it doesn't take longer than 3 months to pay off

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] January 14 2011 3:32 PM EST

FailBoat[SG] (Hardcore Fail) Archilochus (Banker Pomegranate) $1700000 -- Debt - 800k Left 3:32 PM EST

Haha, I'm not -that- bad at CB.

AdminTal Destra January 14 2011 3:39 PM EST

Sure, OK, Princess.

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] January 16 2011 12:00 AM EST

FailBoat[SG] (Hardcore Fail) Archilochus (Banker Pomegranate) $300000 -- Debt - 500k 11:59 PM EST

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] January 16 2011 12:51 PM EST

Tal will be buying A Rune of Balrog Flame lvl 877,941 from me for 3mil. After taking out the 500k I owe to him, it'll be 2.5mil in total.

AdminTal Destra January 16 2011 12:52 PM EST

Archilochus (Chaotic Endeavors) FailBoat[SG] (Hardcore Fail) $2500000 12:50 PM EST

done and done

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] January 16 2011 1:10 PM EST

FailBoat[SG] (Hardcore Fail) Archilochus (Banker Pomegranate) A Rune of Balrog Flame ($15929497) -- Sale and Debt Clear 12:52 PM EST

Shoulda posted this earlier...
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