so, you thought you were having a bad day... (in Off-topic)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] January 10 2011 4:43 PM EST

i took this pic a few miles from my house this morning/

Fishead January 10 2011 4:49 PM EST

What's sticking out of the windshield?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] January 10 2011 4:51 PM EST

it is a hi-lift jack i do believe and a parking violation sticker on the windshield.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] January 10 2011 4:53 PM EST

zoomed in on my pics and it is actually two different scissor-type jacks sticking into the windshield.

AdminNightStrike January 10 2011 5:31 PM EST

What in the world happened?!

And, what's the sticker on the driver window? Or is that what you meant by windshield?

AdminShade January 10 2011 5:33 PM EST

That's not the windshield ;)

Shadow Ruler January 10 2011 5:38 PM EST

Hell hath no fury like a women scorned...

Demigod January 10 2011 5:39 PM EST

Silly driver. That's not how you use a jack.

Unappreciated Misnomer January 10 2011 5:44 PM EST

in soviet russian car jacks you

Fishead January 10 2011 5:46 PM EST

Two different jacks... May not know how to use a jack, but definitely not discouraged from the first try.

Pwned January 10 2011 5:58 PM EST

Must've been text'in

AdminTal Destra January 10 2011 6:08 PM EST

that car is also from texas, notice the registration and inspection stickers, as well as the license plate

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] January 10 2011 6:15 PM EST

the sticker is the parking violation, any car that is abandoned on the highways gets one. it pretty much tells ya to move it or it may be impounded.

i am not sure if the driver got that upset and did it or if it was vandalism after they tried to change the tire and abandoned it. i wanted the pic though just for that reason, it makes ya wonder what the story is behind it! ; )

Demigod January 10 2011 6:53 PM EST

I say vandalism. A frustrated guy who couldn't change the tire would crank the jack back to flat, and he would probably hurl it to the ground rather than spike it perfectly through the windshield. And if the driver ran into TWO jacks that fell off a truck... well, let's just say that the police would have towed the bloody thing away.

Lochnivar January 10 2011 7:15 PM EST

Car-jacking gone awry?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] January 10 2011 7:26 PM EST

Car-jacking gone awry?

; )

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 10 2011 8:28 PM EST

More than likely a joy ride gone awry. As the tweens were riding along some debris from a salvage truck fell off and hit the car. As a result they swerved to the right(ingrained training go away from oncoming traffic) and in the next lane. Everyone starts hitting brakes including a higher sitting vehicle in the right lane (hence the way the hood looks) the car is still going full tilt so no brakes yet. No biggie since no one got hurt. The truck was more sturdy than the car of course so minimal if any damage. People are more worried for human safety at this point than who was right or wrong. Finally the tweens are scared out of their minds and cause everyone to take heart. They allow them to use phones to call and get someone to come and help. They of course run for the hills after getting everyone to agree that its not so bad for them and that they(the tweens) are the ones who will have to come out of pocket. Everyone is ridiculously at peace with their false sense of security that neither Law Enforcement nor Insurance will be involved and all is ok.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it :-P

Demigod January 10 2011 8:29 PM EST

Two jacks?

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 10 2011 8:32 PM EST

Why not I've seen people pull 2 and sometimes 3 jacks from their trunk, sometimes rusted or stuck together.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] January 10 2011 8:34 PM EST

aye, they breed like rabbits but through parthenogenesis!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 10 2011 9:27 PM EST

Well like Jello there is always room for a jack. X-D

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 10 2011 9:37 PM EST

This would be my explanation. A minor accident involving two vehicles rendered this car inoperable (hence why it's still there with a towing sticker). Immediately after the other vehicle's (not pictured here) driver got out and road raged smashing his jacks into the windshield trying to get at the terrified driver who refused to get out (hence two jacks). This cars operator has not been able to get his car towed at his own expense because he has a gambling problem. Which is why he was speeding and got into this accident in the 1st place. (To get to the casino)

Also some lady drove by showing them all where baby feeds.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 11 2011 9:59 AM EST

driving rage quit

I can see the driver stomping off furiously down that dirt road

What I'm impressed by is how well embedded the jacks are

AdminTal Destra January 11 2011 10:00 AM EST

rocket propelled jack launcher?

Fishead January 11 2011 10:38 AM EST

Got a bot check while playing CB on his phone, crashed car, failed bot check, threw jacks through window...
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