January 6 2011 3:18 PM EST
It's more a story about a boy imho? But still nice to see people similar to me. :)
January 6 2011 3:33 PM EST
January 6 2011 4:46 PM EST
The post that says "expert formatting" is the perfect response.
January 6 2011 5:46 PM EST
This story sounds familiar....
January 6 2011 5:46 PM EST
Where did you buy the DVDs OB?
January 6 2011 5:48 PM EST
Bought them at the local Wal-Mart - most anyplace sells DVD-Rs - and recorded using the software that comes with my laptop.
January 6 2011 7:29 PM EST
I missed anything unPG, Ranger, care to explain?
January 6 2011 9:36 PM EST
Did you read the story?
In the past, IIRC, if a link was to a non-PG site with no-PG verbiage or pics, that was inappropriate.
Of this I am certain.
That would eliminate an awful lot of links if I'm understanding you correctly...
I'll confer with NS, but at this point I'm willing to put up a warning on the Links forum saying that we're not responsible for comments or other content on sites.
there are some really funny videos on youtube that have some pretty non-pg comments. we can't really police all of that and even if someone painstakingly goes through hundreds of pages of comments to make sure there are no bad words, after a link is posted someone can come in and post a comment containing profanity.
for the link forum to be used at all i feel that people have to really use their own judgment when following links and reading comments or ads on linked sites.
there was a thread, if i recall correctly, where this was discussed and the community wanted to see some lightening up on the pg at least in relation to linked pages.
January 6 2011 10:04 PM EST
I still don't get it
by "care to explain" I did not mean "ask me if I read the story"
what's so horribly unPG?
I saw no adult advertisements...
I'm fairly certain Ranger is referring to the comments and content on the rest of reddit, which are sometimes rather unpg. There was a time
when links to sites where non-pg stuff might appear were discouraged, this has slowly changed
Honestly I avoid linking folks to reddit just to be selfish and keep that feeling of smug awesomeness that comes from being a redditor.
i think he was actually referring to the original post but i could be wrong.
it reminds me of an old joke that you think is dirty, but turns out that your mind is the only dirty me if you wanna hear it! ; )
with that in mind though i do think that a disclaimer on the links page is needed. kind of a follow at your own risk warning should suffice.
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