Delusions of Grandeur (in General)

DH November 12 2010 2:16 PM EST

Grandeur. An idea that something is going to be big, totally awesome and mesmerizing.

CB. my Delusion.

What is it that keeps dragging me back to CB, only to make an NCB, go hard at till like 400k pr and then loose complete interest in the game?

400k pr takes very little time to get to. Less than a month I think.

So. Asked myself some serious I take my gaming time very conclusions:

There's practically 0% chance ill ever make the top 10 without injecting loads of RL cash. and I mean loads. Thats a pretty big problem for me.

I dislike the community in this game. I dislike about half of you.
(in my opinion) fact is, the game has very little depth. and even less a social engine begging me to stay. (For me).

People like Pit Spawn and Verifex are the only reason I even bother to look at chat, or play the game. I think the last two times I tried playing CB again was because i saw Fexy on facebook.

The end.
Maybe ill be back for the 459048 time. but probably not this time.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] November 12 2010 2:28 PM EST

would you describe yourself as a glass half empty personality?

Demigod November 12 2010 2:35 PM EST

Why is it so important that you breach the top 10? For me, the fun lies in character growth and passing other players, not in passing an arbitrary top rank.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 12 2010 3:01 PM EST

Even though I have made top 10 with my c@har my biggest challenge has been to find a way to bring players together. So far my unusual way of making deals tends to do just that, whether it is participating or watching.

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] November 12 2010 5:19 PM EST

eh I found once you accept that you have to spend (with very few exceptions) big bucks to get to the top 10 (which I did at one point anyways) and just accept that your main focus should be character growth and strategy the game becomes fun.

Doing funky and weird strats and seeing how they work down low is fun. Not caring about growth is fun as well. Being top 10 or bottom 10 changes nothing about how the game is played. That realization has made CB fun for me again. On a side note, ENC is awful! :)

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 12 2010 10:15 PM EST

Well I like you DH!

QBOddBird November 12 2010 10:27 PM EST

Awww. I like about half of you too DH! ;D

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 12 2010 10:29 PM EST

Bottom half or top?

QBOddBird November 12 2010 10:31 PM EST

Ladies first, Bast, and I'll take whichever half you leave me. :)

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] November 13 2010 1:04 AM EST

"There's practically 0% chance ill ever make the top 10 without injecting loads of RL cash. and I mean loads. Thats a pretty big problem for me."

Not true. If you have a good strategy with a competitive play for 6 months you can easily reach top 20 and probably even top 10.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] November 13 2010 1:09 AM EST

Top 10... top 10 is the top 10 there can only possibly be 10 people in the top 10 at any time I believe.

Fishead November 13 2010 1:15 AM EST

There's practically 0% chance ill ever make the top 10 without injecting loads of RL cash. and I mean loads. Thats a pretty big problem for me.

There's exactly 0% chance of breaking the top 10 if you always stop at 400k.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] November 13 2010 2:17 AM EST

What DirtyHater is saying is we as a game and community are boring. Nothing to do with top 10.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] November 13 2010 2:20 AM EST

There's practically 0% chance ill ever make the top 10 without injecting loads of RL cash. and I mean loads. Thats a pretty big problem for me.

Oh really Gun? I think "Delusional" would have been a more appropriate title for this thread. You're delusional for thinking you deserve to be in the top 10. Can you think of ten people who've worked harder than you at this game, or who played better? Then you *shouldn't* be in the top 10.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] November 13 2010 3:01 AM EST

Was in chat when he started up. Top 10 is an excuse, not the issue, yet a handful posting are making this the only issue. He's getting my sympathy given your hate filled response, Titan.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] November 13 2010 3:26 AM EST

I dislike the community in this game. I dislike about half of you.

and even less a social engine begging me to stay.

Other than the fact that there is a 50% chance he dislikes me. ( Though DH and I have always gotten along. ) There is no reason to come out in the forums and say you dislike 50% of the people on CB. Also, for someone who spends very little time in chat, makes no forum post, and hardly even tries holding conversation with the cb "social engine," I find it funny of him to judge. Saying the game has grown boring. Yeah, I could see that, some changes need to be made, it's on its way. Although this statement is hilarious:

the game has very little depth

The only reason CB even attracts a few people is it has quite a bit of depth. If he played past the bottom 5% of MPR maybe he would have remembered that.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] November 13 2010 3:27 AM EST

Btw, there was no hate in my response. Only honesty and fairness. I'm sorry he can't be top 10. Only 10 people can. Would he think it fair for me to take away one of those well deserved spots for him? I should hope not.

AdminNightStrike November 13 2010 10:34 AM EST

I don't know of any online game where you can be on top without spending cash. CB is extremely progressive in that area.

Games do that so that they can pay their bills and invest in new technology. Think about that for a minute.

CB takes in a very small amount of money. That means it's very challenging to invest in game growth. It's a bit of a multi-faceted gem on a sword with two edges.

Kingkiller November 13 2010 11:00 AM EST

Well I've only been playing since October 27, 2010 and my PR is over 400k. I enjoy playing the game and find that it is as costly as you want it to be. I played World of Warcraft for a little over 5 years and it would amaze me how people would buy premade toons (for loads of RL cash), to me personally the enjoyment of the game or any game where you make a character and level him/her is the progression of making it your own while putting your own signature stamp on it.

As for the chat aspect, every time I have talked in chat I have always gotten friendly responses and I blame myself for not knowing more of you via chat. I'm sorry to see anyone leave this game since I feel the more the merrier, but I know this game is not for everyone. Best of luck to you in your new endeavors.

AdminNightStrike November 13 2010 11:25 AM EST

Dr. Know,

Please bring your friends along for the ride :)

Kingkiller November 13 2010 11:33 AM EST

I've been trying >.< (stubborn people)
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