Interesting look at free MMOs' profitability (in Off-topic)

Demigod October 8 2010 10:01 AM EDT

While I've never played this game and don't care to, the topic (and trend) is very nice for gamers.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] October 8 2010 10:06 AM EDT

the same company also runs ddo (dungeons & dragons online) and that was their first game to switch to that model. that had a similar effect on its income which is why they took lotro to that model as well.

the impact this will have on the industry remains to be seen but for games with dying populations i would think it would always be worth the risk.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] October 8 2010 10:33 AM EDT

So gamers prefer free-to-play over pay-to-play. ;)

Where's that old thread gone... :P

Demigod October 8 2010 10:51 AM EDT

The interesting part is that the games became more profitable by becoming free to play. As someone who didn't pay for monetized in-game items until this year, I find it pleasantly surprising.

zev October 8 2010 12:07 PM EDT

I have and always will be paying to play WoW. I've played almost all MMO's as they come out and still nothing compares to WoW. I just bought FFXIV online and i've already stopped playing it.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] October 8 2010 12:10 PM EDT

Roll on December 7th! :P
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