September 25 2010 9:38 AM EDT
Sit through the whole thing. I bet you can't. I had to turn it off.
you win... lasted all of 39 seconds
I'm a horrible shallow git. My hand went for back the second I saw the tooth.
I usually step up to a challenge, but, you win!
I got distracted by this:
Invader Sye
September 25 2010 11:08 AM EDT
I wasn't disgusted, she just happened to break the definition of ugly... and I had Seether playing in the background xD
i watched it completly!!! i win
and now my head hurts
I watched the whole thing. The whole time I was trying to figure out how in the world you can ruin your mouth to that point.
perhpas when you sing so badly your teeth try to flee your head?
"This video contains content from UMG. It is not available in your country."
Oh I love Germanys GEMA, fighting for the rights of musicians to a point where you can't watch their songs. ;)
September 25 2010 1:06 PM EDT
Challenge completed. I laughed pretty hard during her little air guitar solos.
Okay, I honestly wouldn't have minded if she was the next Susan Boyle or something, but her singing was so bad that if there wasn't a backing track, I wouldn't be able to recognize the original melody.
her rendition of dmb's crash into me is amazing though! ; )
Listening to that without the music is indeed a challenge.
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