September 13 2010 1:49 AM EDT
I thought they were disabled, anyone can confirm this?
Charging has been fixed and they've been re-enabled by my understanding
September 13 2010 2:44 PM EDT
was that thread about the 2 clan points giving/taking rituals as well? I thought that thread was more about the rituals in general rather than these 2.
The CP modifying rituals have always worked. The cost for rituals hasn't always worked. It works now. The display on the top clans however doesn't show the true CP value the clan has if rituals have been used though.
all of them were disabled except for leviathan scales, which was left on for testing the fixes to the fees. ns fixed them to where the fee was correctly applied, but maybe not displayed everywhere and they were all turned back on.
towards the end of the thread, there was some confusion as to whether it was still broken and so nat turned them off but ns cleared that up as a display issue. it was never stated that they were back on but they showed back up so i am assuming they are all on at this point.
Yes, they are. And no, I didn't do any more work on the display stuff. Sorry. I will.
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