August 28 2010 12:34 AM EDT
So. My chars strats started losing effectiveness and I'm unsure where to go with either of them. I made the new one because my other was losing effectiveness and this ones doing the same. I have a BoE - 100k + RoBF, 37k electric familiar, 19k halidon familiar and no clue what to do. I'd prefer a non expensive setup as I'm already working off a debt which is why I went mages on both setups. My seconds idea was a phantom wall in front of my mage which was doing great til about 30k MPR when peoples AMF and GA are actually doing something. and yeah I'm aware 30k MPR aint shit. Pretty much both of my chars weakness is AMF / GA teams.
August 28 2010 12:35 AM EDT
I'm all in favor of different setups as well, idk oddballs. perhaps inking the 100k robf into the halidon, and going HP / AMF or something i dont know just saying i need help all is appreciated :)
Simplicity is best to get you out of those regions. train about 5k hp then pure EC use robf and get a corn either buying or a rental. Fight tanks who's str is less than your EC. Their dex doesn't matter and neither does GA or AMF. There won't be that many targets, but they are out there. Once you start picking up too many farmers you can switch but it should last you a few weeks at least and get you up into the 500k-1 mil mpr region.
who are you in debt to and how much for?
August 28 2010 11:41 AM EDT
mandos for 3.2mil - he bought my supportership for 5 mil i put 1.8 down
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