Im new (in New players)

coreynizz July 20 2010 1:55 AM EDT

Hi all im new to this just checking it out.. was reffered to it by a fellow CB creator.

Wraithlin July 20 2010 2:13 AM EDT

welcome to cb.

Best game ever, if you leave we'll stalk you.

TheShazbot July 20 2010 2:16 AM EDT

Welcome to CB. Have any questions, ask in chat or whatnot.

AdminNightStrike July 20 2010 2:30 AM EDT

That creator would be me :)

The game he came from is actually pretty cool. It's called DarkOrbit. CM corey for details.. I'm sure he'll help you out if you're interested, especially clan-wise. He helped me a lot :)

Wraithlin July 20 2010 2:51 AM EDT

dark orbit is fun too, i vouch for it.
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