Request: Auctions > All items link (in General)

ScrObot July 19 2010 7:38 PM EDT

I often find myself going to the "all items" auction listings (the default search on the Auctions page) and was thinking that an "All items" link directly in the Auctions dropdown under Quick Links would be useful to save an intermediate page load and a click.

I would put it as the first item in the dropdown as well, as I'm not sure how many people are actually using the "Rare items" and "Hot items" links currently (I know I never use them). (Maybe even remove those two from the dropdown but leave them on the Auctions page itself.)

Anyone else agree?

Demigod July 19 2010 7:50 PM EDT

I pretty much only use the "Rare items" link "Auctions ending soonest."

Of course, I still like the idea of an auctions feed.

ScrObot July 19 2010 7:52 PM EDT

I guess "Rare items" isn't bad, though it doesn't sub-categorize the armor and weapons like the normal search does. Switching it to do that would appease me too. (=

Ankou July 20 2010 12:54 AM EDT

I always use the 'more' link and look at the ending soonest list. I have never needed anything else.

AdminNightStrike July 20 2010 10:31 AM EDT

Of course, I still like the idea of an auctions feed.

There is one already..
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