Octopus-Oracle Paul (in Off-topic)

renamedname [The Forgehood] July 9 2010 5:18 AM EDT

I'm watching it. Live. No kidding. :(

Beware Shade, the future of your team is read! ;)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 9 2010 5:42 AM EDT

He's not been wrong so far!

But, it's only been on games involving Germany, so maybe his power is tied to his country.

We shall see! :P

Unappreciated Misnomer July 9 2010 5:43 AM EDT

Who sends death threats to an Octopus?

renamedname [The Forgehood] July 9 2010 5:47 AM EDT

Ha! Spain!

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 9 2010 9:17 AM EDT

But after Paul accurately picked Spain to beat Germany in the semi-final, some Germans called for a public roasting of the oracle octopus. Newspapers and websites were filled with suggestions on how to cook and eat him.


renamedname [The Forgehood] July 9 2010 9:34 AM EDT

Don't kill the messenger!

AdminShade July 9 2010 12:27 PM EDT

Time will tell, my friend, time will tell

{EQ}Viperboy July 9 2010 5:08 PM EDT

They lost cause they didn't have Mueller to score and set up the goals, cause the stupid ref gave him a stupid yellow card in the game with argentina, cause the ball hit him in the shoulder unintentionally.

renamedname [The Forgehood] July 9 2010 5:40 PM EDT

Viperboy: Completly right, but the FIFA rules are to blame. The ref had to halt the game, as he clearly had his arm/shoulder on the ball in an 'unnatural' way that changed the balls path, hindering a goal shot. But the rules also force a yellow card in this case, which is just silly as it was -most likely.- unintentional.

But I do believe that Müller wouldn't have had a larger impact, Spain was way better. The Germans where scared and maybe in need of an aggressive game-leader as Ballack. With Schweinsteiger on his side the middle field whould have been more stable.

I'm really looking forward to the next two matches! Final will be awesome.

Lochnivar July 9 2010 6:57 PM EDT

My dad says the best thing to happen to Germany was Ballack's injury.

Felt sorry for Mueller having to watch the game... sucks that 2 yellows spread over 5 games and as much as a month a part can force you to sit out a World Cup semi-final. Not sure that he would have changed the outcome, but he'd been good enough that I would like to have seen him try.

renamedname [The Forgehood] July 10 2010 2:39 AM EDT

Lochnivar: Many people believe that, but they also tend to forget the matches against Serbia ans Ghana. And without Ballack the qualification would have been an even larger pain. But that's professional sports, the media tores you apart as soon as you are weak.

Neither 'emotional leader' Schweinsteiger, nor team captain Lahm had the power to turn the game. And still everyone says that they are too young, as they said in 2006. 2014 Lahm and Schweinsteiger will reach for the 30s and I hope they will be threated like they flamed Ballack out of SA.

AdminShade July 11 2010 2:34 PM EDT

btw, they have found out what was causing the octopus to sit on the winners. All the winners apparently had a combination of Yellow and Red or either of them in their flag.

With regards to Spain - Netherlands: spain has yellow which under water looks more like the yummy shrimp it wants to eat :)
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