It's pretty rigorous trying to fight and keep up with scores of opponents.
When you add an opponent to your favorites, it's pretty stupid to see their "regular score" on the left favorites frame...
If they have 16,000 regular score, and they have 5,000 tournament score, it should show 5,000 score on the favorites list.
Can we get this fixed pretty please, it's really really annoying, and I'm only like 15 fights in :O
It's unintended behavior, it will be changed.
June 14 2010 5:24 PM EDT
On a somewhat related note, is there any reason some characters have 0 tournament score?
Why do I have a tournament score and what does it matter? I don't see anything in the change logs about it.
the t-score scheme was put in place to prevent the drain of scores because of tournaments (which give almost nothing back to the score ladder, unlike normal fighting)...
Newlin: it's possible that's an issue caused by t-score being set at the beginning of the tournament and not updated after that, if you could give a little more detail it would help.
June 14 2010 6:00 PM EDT
If you look at NotSuitable4Children it shows 0 as the score for T53.
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