TV University (in Off-topic)

AdminQBVerifex June 3 2010 3:36 PM EDT

Check it out:

Unappreciated Misnomer June 3 2010 4:04 PM EDT

public speaking classes are not offered this year. :(

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] June 3 2010 5:29 PM EDT

No bill nye the science guy lol?

AdminQBVerifex June 3 2010 5:31 PM EDT

Kefeck, you obviously didn't read the whole thing! Who do you think is in charge of the lab?

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] June 3 2010 7:18 PM EDT

Dexter, the guy from Breaking Bad, and Robocop made me lawl.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] June 3 2010 8:07 PM EDT

You are the best, 'fex.
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