Mega Mils for Uber Tat Leveler!!! (in Services)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 28 2010 6:42 PM EDT

As the Title States I am looking for an Uber Tat Leveler for my tat:

The War Wizard Gift lvl 14,209,060 owned by Zenai (FuerGrissa ost Drauka)

Now I'm giving NCBs the first dibs but of course I will also consider NUBs.

If you are a NCB I will Pay for ALL of your Bought BA + 1 Mil per day.

If you are a NUB I will pay 1.5 Mil per day.

This is the Final Price I am willing to pay, since it is very generous, so do not attempt to haggle you will be ignored as a matter of course.

Post here if you will be able to step up to this task.

Demigod May 28 2010 9:01 PM EDT

Close call... I almost posted a naughty word in here that was meant as a CM. :)

--JDM-- May 28 2010 11:59 PM EDT

How long is the leveler gonna be wearing this tat? I think i could do it but i need a time frame here.

ScrObot May 29 2010 12:06 AM EDT

JDM I think your max tattoo level might be a smidge below 14 million. ;)

--JDM-- May 29 2010 12:08 AM EDT

oh so it has to be above the tattoos level, i guess now i know that lol.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 29 2010 3:04 PM EDT


moskel [187ELiTE] May 29 2010 3:42 PM EDT

Is it possible to get your Max Tattoo level > 14.2M while still on your N*B? It certainly doesn't look like it. Right now unless I'm reading something wrong only the top 17 players in the game quality to put XP on The War Wizard Gift?

DoS May 29 2010 3:51 PM EDT

I was able to with my NCB. It is very possible to do it.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 31 2010 2:57 PM EDT

Still looking! I have no problems with waiting, I'm just looking to secure a deal :-)

moskel [187ELiTE] May 31 2010 4:44 PM EDT

I'd be happy to if I make it, currently max tattoo of 2.7M with NUB ending September 27th. If it happens put me on a late September calendar. It'll probably be 15M by then though :/

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 31 2010 5:39 PM EDT

I'll keep that in mind moskel :-)
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