Happy B-Day Slam! (in Off-topic)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 22 2010 11:27 AM EDT

It's Slam's 20th B-Day! Congratz and may you have many more!

Zenai (FuerGrissa ost Drauka) malS 'lo emaS (NCB deucey) $21000 -- Happy B-Day! 11:26 AM EDT

1K for each year and one to Grow on :-D

Chucktilla May 22 2010 11:40 AM EDT

Happy Birthday! Just don't think you can get away with wearing that birthday-suit in public. Experience tells me you won't like the results......

Many Happy returns. Have fun, and be safe.

Love you!


Demigod May 22 2010 11:57 AM EDT

Congrats on still being alive. :)

I wonder if J'Bob's around to make a joke about "the cake is a lie?"

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] May 22 2010 12:08 PM EDT

Thanks you guys and who ever else may post!

Lochnivar May 22 2010 12:46 PM EDT

hehe... you're getting old!

... here's to senility only making you forget the bad things!

Happy Birthday

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 22 2010 12:53 PM EDT

Hi...Happy B-day

--JDM-- May 22 2010 1:17 PM EDT

20 is a magic number, not sure why but im sure there's something good about 20.... hmmmm. Well i guess you are now lol. Happy Birthday!

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 23 2010 9:14 AM EDT

Happy (belated) birthday!

TheHatchetman May 23 2010 11:05 AM EDT

What Marl said! ^_^
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