GoM revisited (in General)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 16 2010 3:49 AM EDT

There are two in the AH for 8K Buy Nows, and no one wants them. LoL.

I think they still need a buff or redesign. ;)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] May 16 2010 5:08 AM EDT

11) Gloves of Mercy. AC 0; each plus gives 1% extra pth to "short" edged weapons, and no AC. "short" = all 1h swords except BTh and ELS (but including VB). Less rare.

That being said, *high end rares*, like EGs and HGs only go for a few hundred thousand, so lesser rare gloves are worthless.

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] May 16 2010 8:39 AM EDT

Gloves of Mercy: Grant your opponent a merciful death; cancels after-death regen from TSA.

Or, a little stronger...cancels all regen from TSA.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 16 2010 9:10 AM EDT


Maybe tie the amount reduced to the + of the gloves? But keep the after death part in there!

AdminNightStrike May 16 2010 10:57 AM EDT

Cancelling regen is easy. Cancelling the after-death regen is not.

Demigod May 16 2010 12:13 PM EDT

On behalf of everyone with a TSA: Please don't. :)

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] May 16 2010 3:15 PM EDT

/me wishes he could get his hands on a TSA ...

Lord Bob May 16 2010 3:57 PM EDT

Cancelling regen is easy. Cancelling the after-death regen is not.
Going from..
hp += regen


if (hp > 0){
hp += regen

..is too difficult?
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