Humble Indie Bundle ($1-???) (3 hours left) (in Links)

AdminQBVerifex May 11 2010 7:08 PM EDT

A bunch of cool games for whatever you can afford.
The Humble Indie Bundle

ScrObot May 11 2010 7:23 PM EDT

This is an awesome thing they've put together. You can funnel your payment to the developers and/or charity.

Since they announced that they are open sourcing 2/3rds of the games (a sixth game was added after the initial launch), you can still get it for at least three more days.

AdminNightStrike May 11 2010 10:37 PM EDT

Someone please explain...

Demigod May 11 2010 10:46 PM EDT

Instead of having their games pirated, they let buyers pick their own price point. Pay what you want to pay. A few other indie devs and musicians have done this.

World of Goo (excellent game) took a horrific beating in the piracy market when it was released, and the pay-what-you-want deal is better than nothing. Plus, free marketing.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 11 2010 10:58 PM EDT

radiohead did it very successfully iirc.

AdminNightStrike May 11 2010 11:01 PM EDT

So like.. I could do it for zero? Or $1?

ScrObot May 11 2010 11:01 PM EDT

As did Nine Inch Nails. (=

ScrObot May 11 2010 11:04 PM EDT

I think you can do 0.01 technically. I paid $12 because I'm not crazy about any of these games (based solely on reading about them) but I support the approach. (=
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