Poseidon FS! 4.4mil MPR 1 month NCB left (in General)

DoS April 15 2010 6:38 PM EDT

445% bonus
MTL is 12.16
Buyer Pays transfer fee

2.5mil levels on 1
3.4mil levels on 2
16.2mil levels on 3
2.4mil levels on 4

Bids should be in USD

In 30 days, this character can get about 1.6mil tattoo levels. I have the right not to sell, and such.

This is in General because the USD will go to an advertisement for CB. And yes, I did already NS and he said this is fine.

So, bid away!

DoS April 16 2010 2:00 AM EDT

I will be burning all my BA on it until it is sold.

DoS April 16 2010 6:14 PM EDT


Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 16 2010 9:47 PM EDT

methinks placement is key to a successful transaction.

DoS April 17 2010 11:33 AM EDT


DoS April 17 2010 9:25 PM EDT

No interest at all? I'll open it up to CBD bids as well.

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] April 18 2010 5:47 AM EDT


Adminedyit [Superheros] April 18 2010 12:29 PM EDT

must learn to read entire posts and not skim...

DoS April 19 2010 12:15 AM EDT


DoS April 19 2010 3:05 PM EDT

Not much interest, probably not going to sell after all
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