I <3 CB (in Off-topic)

Picasso April 15 2010 4:01 AM EDT

Guh Dam bot checks are hard when rdunk...

I love you CB even if after 8 years nobody knows who I am.

I wish you a speedy recovery into relevance again. There is a lot to offer here, I just wish more people coulld stand to learn about what makes CB great.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] April 15 2010 4:07 AM EDT


Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 15 2010 6:12 AM EDT

that's how i know when i have really had too much, simple tasks like hitting the enter key and typing in four letter words become nearly impossible! ; )

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 15 2010 6:21 AM EDT

I know you Pico and yars we wubs you 2!

Demigod April 15 2010 7:44 AM EDT


AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 15 2010 10:57 AM EDT


Lochnivar April 15 2010 11:05 AM EDT

we love you too old timer
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