The end of an Era? (in Off-topic)

{CB1}Sparticus [Screwed Justice] April 1 2010 10:31 AM EDT

Well it's official. Activists have now turned their attention on good old Ronald McDonald saying he promotes obesity, and want the character retired. This is the first mascot issue since Camel was forced to retire Joe Camel, as a gimmick designed to lure in children. So any guess on who else from our youth "They"(they- meaning activists who dont have anything better to complain about) plan on railing against next.

Poor Booberry,Count Chocula,Cap'n Crunch,the trix bunny, the lucky charms leprechan,Toocan Sam, The keebler elves, and all the others..

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 1 2010 10:32 AM EDT

if i wasn't so obese & sedentary i would protest this! ; )

kevlar April 1 2010 10:35 AM EDT

I heard too a while ago that they were going to try and rename Cookie Monster to Veggie Monster or some crap. Glad to see he's still the good 'ol CM! ... for now

Lochnivar April 1 2010 10:46 AM EDT

Ummm... since when did creepy clowns increase the likelihood of children doing something? (other than needing a nightlight?)
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