Curve Ball (in Off-topic)

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] March 29 2010 1:25 PM EDT

Can you beat me?

I've made it to level 9, and that's about as good as I can do.

Wasp March 29 2010 1:26 PM EDT

I added that game on the out of ba page years ago lol. I think I done level 9 as well

Lochnivar March 29 2010 2:40 PM EDT

I used to play this game all the time while writing essays in university... I've finished it many times. (assuming they haven't changed it since)

bartjan March 29 2010 3:21 PM EDT

You finished writing essays many times? :)

AdminNightStrike March 29 2010 4:30 PM EDT

Level 5 :(

AdminQBVerifex March 29 2010 4:35 PM EDT

Level 6, but I can probably do better on my PC at home.

Demigod March 29 2010 4:35 PM EDT

Level 7. I haven't played this in a couple of years, but I'm pretty sure I never got past 9.

QBsutekh137 March 29 2010 5:27 PM EDT

Just got level 7, I always liked that game...

iBananco [Blue Army] March 29 2010 5:29 PM EDT

I'm still not sure why there's no multiplayer curveball yet.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] March 29 2010 6:06 PM EDT

Got to level 6. Pretty good for using a track pad.
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