CB Milestone! (in General)

Miandrital March 15 2010 12:37 AM EDT

10000 non-retired Characters

ScY March 15 2010 5:25 AM EDT

/sarcastic Yeah!

Demigod March 15 2010 7:28 AM EDT

It's a milestone all right... but why don't non-supporter players get auto-deleted after six months or a year of not logging in? That's how it used to be.

It would clean up the muck of the low levels.

Soxjr March 15 2010 12:04 PM EDT

Do you want to have absolutely nobody to fight when starting a new character? If you deleted all those inactive players there would be nothing at the lower levels to fight.

Demigod March 15 2010 12:19 PM EDT

If you only delete the ones that haven't logged in in over a year, it will still leave plenty of low level opponents.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 15 2010 1:16 PM EDT

it was changed to anyone who finishes the tutorial because of the NUB. Keeps non-supporters froom getting an unintended benefit should they leave an account idle.

AdminTal Destra March 15 2010 1:45 PM EDT

now how many of them are active characters?

meaning: non-bank, non-item holder, and with more than 100 ba a day spent on it
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