Congratz dudemus! (in Off-topic)

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 19 2010 6:49 AM EST

MPR 4,001,367 ◄=== Awesome Job Bro!

iBananco [Blue Army] February 19 2010 6:58 AM EST

winner winner February 19 2010 7:27 AM EST

nice job!

Demigod February 19 2010 7:36 AM EST


Guardian February 19 2010 7:37 AM EST

way to go

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 19 2010 7:45 AM EST

woot! ; )

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 19 2010 8:00 AM EST

Great job, and a great NCB run.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] February 19 2010 8:16 AM EST


Joel February 19 2010 9:29 AM EST

Congratulations dude!

kevlar February 19 2010 10:20 AM EST


Sickone February 19 2010 10:39 AM EST

You go, clanmate ;)

Pwned February 19 2010 11:07 AM EST

Nice job friend
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