Idea : Clan decay (in General)

Mythology February 10 2010 11:12 AM EST

It's always annoyed me with the clan system a couple of things,

1) Obviously Sunday, I understand that clearly some people are religous and that people need a day off from clan fighting, though as this is a game most people get most time to do gaming on that very day.

2) You often find days when half the clan spend their BA at 0% clan bonus just to get a % bonus as their BA hits 0

3) Too much all over the place rankings.

Proposed Solution :

Clans would gain points in exactly the same way as they do now, including no clan fighting on sundays.

However rather than 24hr later the points vanish :

24 hrs later : 90% vanish
48 hrs : 80% vanish
72 : 70% vanish

etc etc
Not as complex as it seems, just means everyday the server needs to store how many clan points were earned by a clan that day.

Example Clan A is earning 10K Clan points per day

[d1] Monday : 10K Earned
[d2] Tuesday : 10K Earned, 9K Stored, Total : 19K
[d3] Wednesday : 10K, 9K, 8K - Total : 27K
[d4] Thursday : 10K, 9K, 8K, 7K - Total : 34K
[d5] Friday : 10K, 9K, 8K, 7K, 6K - Total : 40K
[d6] Saturday : 10K, 9K, 8K, 7K, 6K, 5K - Total : 45K
[d7] Sunday : 9K, 8K, 7K, 6K, 5K, 4K - Total : 39K
[d8] Monday : 10K, 8K, 7K, 6K, 5K, 4K, 3K - Total : 43K

Well you get the idea anyway. It does what I think has been needed for long time :
You get rewards on one of the busiest days on CB, Sunday.
You get rewards Monday morning
You get to enjoy the rewards you've spent days fighting for rather than the last 24.
If people miss a few days or just a day it softens the impact over time.
Clans would also have long battles against each other rather than just daily things not really meaning anything.

Either that or you could just use the monthly score rankings as the % bonus :P

Demigod February 10 2010 11:57 AM EST

I really like the idea of clan points accruing most of the week. +1
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