One Last time (in General)

Ancient Anubis December 22 2009 11:19 PM EST

last time i'm going to bring this up but i would like to suggest a retrain that loses no exp but will cost the character 10mil cb. This high price provides another money sink for the growing cb economy as well as prevents over use of the full exp retention retrain option

Demigod December 22 2009 11:24 PM EST

If this option were available at five million, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat.

But don't you think that the price of the retrain should scale accordingly? In other words, cheaper for a 2mil MPR character than for a 4mil MPR.

Ancient Anubis December 22 2009 11:25 PM EST

ok how bout 2mil per 1mil mpr so at my size its 10mil at 2mil mpr its 4 mil

QBRanger December 22 2009 11:31 PM EST


Sorry to disagree.

The only free retrains were due to massive balance changes.

Xp is and should be more valuable than money in most cases.

10M is far far too cheap. I would say no less than 100M for a retrain how valuable it is.

Wraithlin December 23 2009 12:10 AM EST

Wow...I agree with Ranger.

The only thing that actually matters in CB is your MPR, money comes and goes and can be bought with USD, but MPR is the ranking system. If you allow USD to have such an obvious advantage like this it won't be good for the game.

lostling December 23 2009 1:36 AM EST

how about it is based off BA cost?

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 23 2009 2:21 AM EST

"The only thing that actually matters in CB is your MPR"

Silliest comment I've ever seen.

Ancient Anubis December 23 2009 2:36 AM EST

How bout making it that it will cost 3cb per 1exp saved from the disenchantment so if to untrain saves u say 3mil exp it will cost u 9mil to do the retrain without loss similar to the purchase cost of a new minion

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 23 2009 3:04 AM EST

That would be an interesting option. You can have untraining either cost money or exp when you select untrain.

QBJohnnywas December 23 2009 3:29 AM EST

I've never agreed with the retrain. I also think it should cost. In a similar fashion to buying minions. In other words a lot the bigger you character.

Charity December 23 2009 4:06 AM EST

I like this idea just to de-stagnate the upper tier characters

Money sinks are always welcome too

BootyGod December 23 2009 3:03 PM EST


I'm against anything that would so blatantly give an edge to USD players.

It's easy to talk about pricing until you realize that this would be plagued with the same issue everything in CB is. There's no way to balance to the price to make it expensive enough for USD and reasonable enough for non-USD.

Something like 10 mil CB could take as long as 2 months to save up for. 2 months of constant playing for the ability to retrain? Sorry. I'm already against the amount of time needed to run any sort of acceptable character, and yet have those same characters SO disposable.

QBRanger December 23 2009 3:07 PM EST

I do agree with GW.

The only way to make it fair to all is to have 1 free retrain every x days/weeks/months etc...

IE for every year playing CB you get 1 free 24 hour retrain period.

While I am against such a concept, something like that would be the only fair way.

And while MPR is not the only thing that matters in CB, it is a huge thing and one of the primary ones.

Wraithlin December 23 2009 9:01 PM EST

What I meant by only thing that matters is MPR, you're all correct it's not all that matters in the short run.

But let's look at long run.

Highest NW in the game sits a little over 900 mil.

His tattoo is 200 or so mil of that, and that you can look at as somethign that can just be grown and not needed to be bought.

The other 700 mil has to be bought. Most of it is from forging which the going rate is usually somewhere around 70%. To use a safe estimate, let's call it 80%. So about 560 mil spent on his gear.

In today's CB, a NUB makes about 4-5 mil a week, and a NCB makes about 1.5 mil a week if he's trying to make money instead of maxing his MPR.

So to make 560 mil:

4.5*26 = 117 mil from NUB

560-117 = 443 mil / 1.5 = 295 weeks or a little over 5 and a half years.

So 6 years to get to the gear level of the top guy in the game, which makes sense and should be around that much.

So if you've played the game for 6 years you can have the best gear in the game, roughly.

If everyone has played the game for at least 6 years, then everyone has a chance at having the same gear level.

If everyone has the same gear level, the only thing left to differentiate is MPR.

That's all I meant by MPR being the only thing that matters, because how high you can grow your MPR depends solely on your playing ability and dedication after a long enough timeline. And that's why I don't think we should allow CB to replace MPR, because on the long timeline, MPR is the determining factor for who is the best, not gear level.

Unappreciated Misnomer December 23 2009 9:03 PM EST

make it simple, the cost to retrain is your total enc.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 23 2009 9:12 PM EST

No. I'm against anything that would so blatantly give an edge to USD players.

It would also give people who spent their money wisely an edge too. But, no one ever thinks about that, no one ever.... Stupid USD.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 23 2009 9:16 PM EST

Wraithlin while through I have to disagree. I feel that it is a medium between several key factors and yes I believe one of them to be USD. (Bash it if you will folks but it is not gonna go away, it is here and here to stay find a way to make it mesh.)

Dedication + Time + Invested CBD/USD + Skill = Results/Success

Overall if any of these factors are missing you will have a much lesser chance of making your plan work period.

on the retrain Rangers Idea does seem to be one of the better ones in my opinion, however, I would personally lock it to the Char not the player. I think that would make chars far more valuable. Just my opinion though.

QBRanger December 23 2009 9:19 PM EST

on the retrain Rangers Idea does seem to be one of the better ones in my opinion, however, I would personally lock it to the Char not the player. I think that would make chars far more valuable. Just my opinion though.

So your typing about on the 1 year anniversary of a character, you get a free 24 hour retrain period credit, to activate whenever you want. And on each anniversary you get another, to be stored up until used?

It would give a bit of a boost to older characters that have been passed by N*B characters.

Not a bad idea.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 23 2009 10:34 PM EST

It would give a bit of a boost to older characters that have been passed by N*B characters.

Disposable Chars have been a bit of a heated topic on more than one occasion, and a boost could make them less disposable. I see nothing wrong with starting something new or changing pace, but the need for losing an otherwise perfectly good char because of retrain cost issues seems senseless to me.

1 Free Retrain a Year on it's CBversary(for the Char in question not the Player) that can be accumulative would be one way to circumvent this least partially anyway :-)

Once again just my opinion.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 23 2009 10:37 PM EST

Disposable Chars have been a bit of a heated topic on more than one occasion, and a boost could make them less disposable. I see nothing wrong with starting something new or changing pace

Not to ruin the suprise or put ns under pressure, but i remember not to long ago in chat ns said something along the lines of "he hopes a new bonus system will be out before the end of the year, but it will not be a rolling bonus".. This was a couple weeks ago though so don't quote me.

Wraithlin December 24 2009 12:09 AM EST

I think the NCB should be changed to a PCB. Or Primary character bonus. Does the exact same as the NCB except if your character ever gets within 5% of the top MPR it loses the bonus. Maybe 10%.

So you can give the PCB to characters that you haven't played in awhile but want to try out again, but you can't use the PCB to pass the leaders.

AdminNightStrike January 4 2010 12:07 AM EST

Zero loss retrains at the cost of CBD will not be a feature now or in the foreseeable future.
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