Hey (in New players)

KingScar [Dragon Fire] December 22 2009 11:37 AM EST

KingScar Here. Names Ryan. If you wanna talk PM me.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 22 2009 11:43 AM EST

Welcome to Carnage Blender! If you have any questions feel free to ask, there are many experienced vets with answers willing to help.


Follow the link there is some decent advice there that will help. For everything else pop up in chat and ask around.

AdminNightStrike December 22 2009 11:57 AM EST

Welcome aboard, KingScar. I think you win the award for the most unique entrance into CB -- and that's saying a lot for a game that's been online for ~10 years!

TheHatchetman December 22 2009 12:08 PM EST

idk... while his entrance certainly was new and different than most, there was that one np thread that went 150+ replies of quasi-roleplay :P

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 22 2009 12:10 PM EST

Ah, Mortifer.

AdminNightStrike December 22 2009 12:12 PM EST

"Last login: Aug 29"

Hopefully you stick around longer, Ryan :)

Pwned December 22 2009 12:18 PM EST

:) sorry about that mix up welcome

QBOddBird December 22 2009 12:50 PM EST

Haha, welcome! Glad to see you joining up with us. You gave me a great read this morning. :D

Just let anyone here know if you have any questions about the game, we'd love to help.
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