New player! (in New players)

Kami December 14 2009 4:14 PM EST

Hey, everyone!

Kind of stumbled here and thought I'd give it a try. So... Try not to be too harsh on me.


Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 14 2009 4:14 PM EST


adampurkis December 14 2009 4:26 PM EST

welcome to the site! nah people are pretty friendly around here, so any questions ask away theres loads of experienced players around willing to help out

QBsutekh137 December 14 2009 4:48 PM EST

Welcome to the Blend!

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 14 2009 4:57 PM EST

Welcome to Carnage Blender! If you have any questions feel free to ask, there are many experienced vets with answers willing to help.

Follow the link there is some decent advice there that will help. For everything else pop up in chat and ask around.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] December 14 2009 5:17 PM EST


BHT December 14 2009 6:08 PM EST

This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=002x8x&msg_id=002x8x">New player! </a>