Please fix clans... (in General)

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- December 13 2009 9:51 PM EST

It's obvious something isn't working.

#14 death by jabberwocky (1,413,190)
#15 Band of Wookies (1,277,362)

#14 death by jabberwocky (1,217,512)
#15 Band of Wookies (1,179,630)

Give me a break.

We've been keeping track of our numbers, and they just bounce around seemingly randomly. Not to mention the bonus problems people have been experiencing. Everything else.

Demigod December 13 2009 10:00 PM EST

Today is Sunday, so that could apply some wonkiness.

kevlar December 13 2009 10:03 PM EST

I was thinking AO being disbanded had some kind of ripple effect on the rankings... that huge gap increase incurred after I checked the ranks when Flamey informed us on the sad mis-hap.
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