Whitewolf/(CB1)WFP deal part 2 (in Public Record)

(CB1)WFP December 5 2009 5:52 PM EST

i still owe 400k

(CB1)WFP December 5 2009 5:54 PM EST

(CB1)WFP (Rocky Horror Carnage) WhiteWolf (Alara United) $100000 5:53 PM EST

100k sent

300k to go

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 5 2009 6:00 PM EST

Thanks for making a new thread :)
indeed 300k is still owed.

(CB1)WFP December 10 2009 6:57 PM EST

(CB1)WFP (Rocky Horror Carnage) WhiteWolf (Alara United) $100000 6:56 PM EST

100k sent

200k to go

(CB1)WFP December 15 2009 4:16 PM EST

(CB1)WFP (Rocky Horror Carnage) WhiteWolf (Alara United) $200000 4:14 PM EST

200k sent

paid in full..... :)

thanks again and my apologies for the slower-than-expected repayment

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 15 2009 4:20 PM EST

Great work. Glad to have this completed :)
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