Game mechanic Idea: Sealing (in General)

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 1 2009 5:13 PM EST

I know there have been similar proposals for this before and I think it would be a good addition to the game. The idea for this is to be able to seal the enchantments on an item to an amount lower specified by you. This would be good for getting things under enc and when running lower level chars. It would be a small set fee of somewhere around 10-50k I would think. It would be sealed until unsealed, which would be free to do. An item that is sealed cannot be upgraded at the blacksmith, forged or DE.

AdminNightStrike December 1 2009 5:18 PM EST

As opposed to disenchanting?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2009 5:22 PM EST

damn skippy... disenchanting is painful enough that no one with a large item would ever do it just to be able to use it on a smaller char...

QBOddBird December 1 2009 5:23 PM EST

You mean like a forced reminder not to upgrade your weapons beyond a certain point? Or you take an already large item and make the item NW lower than it really is?

QBsutekh137 December 1 2009 5:26 PM EST

Yeah, not sure I understand... ENC already "seals" the weapon. If it is too large, the weapon only acts as if it is being used by the ceiling'd abilities, doesn't it?

As far as a reminder, I would think the ENC numbers at the end of each battle would be enough for that...

I am probably not understanding what you are envisioning...

AdminNightStrike December 1 2009 5:37 PM EST

ENC doesn't work that way

He is suggesting being able to self impose an MTL-type limit on an item to get around the annoyances of DE and BS'ing.

QBOddBird December 1 2009 5:39 PM EST

Admittedly there is good reasoning for this, as weapons have to be limited every time you start a new N*B, and you have to start a new one anytime something screws up on your current one because your growth potential is so easy to ruin.

Man, all these problems could just roll right away with a different kind of bonus...hmmm....

QBsutekh137 December 1 2009 5:59 PM EST

Ah, so instead of encumbrance just maxing out and making a small character do no damage whatsoever, make the ENC equation see a smaller weapon so that the character still does whatever damage it would have done with a weapon right at the ENC line?

miteke [Superheros] December 1 2009 6:26 PM EST

This is fine except when dealing with multiple items. Your reduction is going to have to get a bit more sophisticated when that happens. But it is a very good idea.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 1 2009 6:34 PM EST

I wasn't suggesting a change to enc at all. It should work just like it does. I was suggesting a new business like the disenchant place so that people can "seal" their items at a lower level. It would be unmodifiable until unsealed. Sealing would have a set price of like 50k and the stats of the item would be specified when sealed.

Guardian December 1 2009 7:13 PM EST

i don't like it. Its just to complex to my mind.

Wraithlin December 1 2009 7:58 PM EST

basically it's adding the max tatoo size to all your items, so that lower level guys can still equip it and not get enc, it's an item that acts at a lower value so you can still use it, and when you gain enough power to be able to use the full value again you can unseal it, think of it as your max tatoo size growing.

Zenai [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2009 8:02 PM EST

That is a good idea if that is the way it is supposed to work. It's tough to continuously find and upgrade items when you have a perfectly good one waiting to be used. For NCBers this would be perfect and for NUBs this could open up a whole new avenue of opportunity.

Guardian December 1 2009 8:04 PM EST

thanks wraithlin now i perfectly understood.
but probably it seems technically hard to implement

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2009 8:16 PM EST

I am imagining it like this.
You have a SoD 5 x500 +50
You seal it so that it acts like a SoD 5 x150 +15
The sealed SoD would have the ENC, NW and Damage of a SoD 5 x150 +15 and could not be upgraded or disenchanted until unsealed.
Once unsealed, it would go back to having its original properties and could be upgraded or DEd as you wished.

Is my understanding correct Nem?

QBsutekh137 December 1 2009 8:28 PM EST

Sealing could sort of work like clans... You could dial in an item to "Max ENC", but then other items wouldn't fit (like clan members work now...)

Seems like an interesting idea.

AdminNightStrike December 1 2009 8:50 PM EST

> I wasn't suggesting a change to enc at all. It should work just like it does. I was suggesting a new business like the disenchant place so that people can "seal" their items at a lower level. It would be unmodifiable until unsealed. Sealing would have a set price of like 50k and the stats of the item would be specified when sealed.

I know what you meant.. not sure I'm wild on the idea. I mean, I see how it's an issue for small characters to use large items... but there really is only an issue with weapons now that the PR gain is based on the XP of the minion wearing the armor.

I'd rather see a lot more stuff in rentals or something. I dunno... can you make the idea more attractive, more interesting?

QBOddBird December 1 2009 8:52 PM EST

I doubt we'll see more stuff in rentals due to the NCB's cost - people don't want to spend even more to keep an appropriately sized weapon until they can use their main weapon. Those costs add up, and it already takes a good long while to save up for a NCB.

Could be wrong, though.

AdminNightStrike December 1 2009 9:11 PM EST

You'd pay less than 50k to keep resealing a weapon each time
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