Looking for a headset... (in Off-topic)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 30 2009 8:01 PM EST

I'm looking for a good headset that's sub-$80. I was looking at a Steelseries or Sennheiser model, but I'd really prefer something with a mic. (Possible reward may be inbound!)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] November 30 2009 8:10 PM EST


Best wired for money hands down.


Best wireless hands down.

I play Halo competitively and I currently use these:


Before I bought my A40s I tried out many types of headsets. I have used both Sens and the Turtle beaches for gaming. The TBs are AMAZING for their price, and they come with a mic. I couldn't recommend anything more.

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- November 30 2009 8:21 PM EST

Titan beat me to it. Go with the turtle.

Demigod November 30 2009 9:41 PM EST

You're not allowed to get a headset until you tell us what happened with that blog you were planning.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2009 7:30 AM EST

@Titan, Jir: I'm a PC gamer. Thanks though. ;)
@Demi: I'd still really like to do it, but at the moment I'm only trying to write fiction stories and essays. I'll be sure to post those once I'm finished with them, however! (Thanks for asking :))

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2009 7:31 AM EST

Whoops, just saw the "Works with PC games" on the first link.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2009 8:00 AM EST

After doing some checking on the TB model, it appears as though the SteelSeries 4H would be better for PC gaming/music. (According to the reviews on Amazon)

Flamey December 1 2009 9:06 AM EST

Both my brother and I own a set of sennheisers, they seem fairly decent and seem to last a while. My brother's got a cheaper one and he usually eats through headsets like candy but this one's lasted him. Anyway, if they're good, then they are. Just saying sennheisers aren't bad either.
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