Anyone like Diablo 2? (in Off-topic)

Pwned November 29 2009 12:14 AM EST

I've just recently downloaded the best mod "Median" and wanted to share it with you D2 players, it feels like a whole new game. Its what D2 should have been IMO. There is tons of items, mercs have skills, item only skills, and alot more. You should try it out plus there's even a closed server "d2Maniacs". Just google Median and try the mod out and if you want to do the closed battlenet, google d2maniacs. See you guys there.

kevlar November 29 2009 12:20 AM EST

I've played Starcraft and Warcraft II/III but not Diablo for some reason...

Kokokitty November 29 2009 12:20 AM EST


Pwned November 29 2009 12:22 AM EST

Well you should try it out its what im playing atm till d3

Joel November 29 2009 12:22 AM EST

I love Diablo 2! I have been playing the Ancestral Recall, and its expansion, Descendants of the Dragon. Those are some awesome mods for people who like more of a challenge when playing through. Descendants of the Dragon should only be played by those who have beaten Ancestral Recall on Hell mode. I'll be checking out the Median mod for D2 to see how it compares to AR and DotD.

CombatSquirrel November 29 2009 1:00 AM EST

Never played Diablo or Warcraft but I'm a fan of Starcraft

Burton November 29 2009 1:01 AM EST

I am a Diablo II pro.

Messbrutal November 29 2009 1:05 AM EST

Played on and off D2 expansion since it cam out,and still know most of the fcr breakpoint by heart.

I tried Median a couple time but I don't like it, eastern sun on the other hand is an amazing mod when it comes to my taste.

Canibus November 29 2009 1:11 AM EST

Diablo 2, good times :) Had several chars on top100 ladder before LoD came out. Its been only warcraft3 for me lately. Doubt ill download that MoD but its great somebody keep a very decent game alive. Diablo3, maybe i play that seriously but i doubt it, ill play it solo then wait till 80 then imma celebrate my retirement together with the SC2 release :)

Pwned November 29 2009 1:21 AM EST

d2maniacs has servers for most of the better known mods like eastern sun and ancestral also.

Pwned November 29 2009 10:48 PM EST

anyone tried going on d2maniacs servers yet?

Joel November 30 2009 4:52 PM EST

I just downloaded Median XL and I'll be playing it today! I read a lot about it and it does look very interesting, and all the changes have made it look like a whole new game! I'm thinking it'll be like playing Diablo III before its out! Of course, I am kinda easily excited ;p

BHT November 30 2009 4:55 PM EST

Wow thanks guys. I'll have to look into these. I was a hardcore D2 player on and off for the past 5 years.

VsCountStrum [Black Watch] November 30 2009 5:06 PM EST

I love D2 and will definitely go take a look at the MOD (I have a bachelor's weekend to this weekend, so it is a prefect time.)

Off topic, but hopefully not too much: Does anyone know when D3 will finally be released?

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 30 2009 5:08 PM EST

December 21st, 2012.

VsCountStrum [Black Watch] November 30 2009 5:12 PM EST

LOL... Well, I we get it early. We might have a couple of hours to play it before the world ends. Lets have a tournament to see who can get to level 10 before the sun implodes?

Burton November 30 2009 5:30 PM EST

No release date as of yet.
And no release date on the new patch for Diablo II either.

BHT November 30 2009 8:07 PM EST

I need help setting this up if anybody sees me when im on, send me a pm if you know how to setup the Median so I can play online.

Pwned November 30 2009 9:55 PM EST

To set it up go to this site

Then click join at the bottom middle section and download the windows gateway editor and scroll down the screen and follow the step by step instructions to add the server to your list of servers.

When you first log onto the servers look at your upper right side of the screen.
There will be another server list option, double click it and click Median XL as your server then just create a char and play, also remember to join chat after you log on cause its funner that way.

Pwned November 30 2009 9:57 PM EST

My account name is Menix2 if you want to add me.

Joel December 1 2009 7:01 AM EST

I just installed the Median XL mod and I love it! I miss the classic skills, but they were a bit old anyway. I will enjoy learning all about the new skills and making new battle strategies!

I also have a question: should I make an online character instead of a single player character? Or can I switch my single player to multiplayer whenever I want?

Pwned December 1 2009 10:14 AM EST

They store your online character on their servers so if you want to play online with other people I suggest making one. Plus that way if you have questions you can ask people.

Joel December 1 2009 11:11 AM EST

I don't think I'll be able to log on for 2 weeks because of a temporary ban due to an invalid CD-key. But I'll be getting some good practice done in single player, until then!

BHT December 1 2009 12:36 PM EST

Add me on Median, GatemaN

Pwned December 3 2009 5:12 PM EST

Ok i added you

Joel December 4 2009 12:13 AM EST

I like the Median mod so far, but I've been watching some videos out there that make it look too easy.
I know all the ways to make it harder for me like /players X and the Hard Mode charm, but I saw a couple of videos with both of those at max difficulty and they were still beating enemies way too easy.
My summation of this mod is that it is not a mod built to be the most difficult mod of Diablo, it is made for those people who are completely bored of Diablo 2 but would play it if it were spiced up and changed a bit.
If you want to play a mod that was created with difficulty AND changed gameplay, then play the expansion for the mod Ancestral Recall called Decendants of the Dragon.
There is plenty of new things to discover in AR and DotD and you will never, ever, think the game is too easy, once you try out DotD.
I even hacked a character, giving it as much power as I could think of (except god-mode), and I STILL would die if I wasn't careful!
If you tire of this game, because it has become too easy, then play through AR until you can beat it in Hell mode, then switch to Decendants of the Dragon and play Hell mode there with your character!
You'll be able to play for HOURS just to pass one part of it! It is awesome!

PearsonTritonRaveshaw December 5 2009 12:27 PM EST

I bought my copy of Diablo 2 back in the days of CompUSA, and because that store was crap, it didn't come with a CD key. They wouldn't even give me a replacement because it was opened. So anyways, I can't play online. Blah. 8(

Joel December 5 2009 4:15 PM EST

Eh, online play isn't that great anyway. I feel much more accomplished if I find all my items and kill all the monsters by myself! Besides, cheaters, and power-leveling run rampant online. It takes away from the experience!

SimplyNic December 5 2009 4:54 PM EST

Yeah I like diablo 2. Don't play it anymore on account of the fact that whenever I PvP people use all kinds of scripts so that when I get them almost dead they go from almost dead to "Hey I'm alive and well!" right as soon as they hit 1 hp.

Joel December 5 2009 5:50 PM EST

Thats exactly the cheating I'm talking about, lol. I never trust online play because of that. I tend to just hop from mod to mod, exploring the crazy, new content. There are a lot of mods out there! I suggest all of them ;p

Pwned December 6 2009 2:35 PM EST

Yeah p.v.p. in regular diablo is horrible, to many people use scripts, and its always the same thing.... you call them out and they call you a nub and tell you to stop QQing.
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