Economic report Nov 16th - 22nd (in General)

AdminShade November 22 2009 5:57 AM EST

Here it is again, the weekly update of Economic Report Nov 16th - 22nd

adampurkis November 22 2009 7:34 AM EST

active users on the way down :(

Demigod November 22 2009 9:41 AM EST

The active users row is depressing, but what's up with the RoS and RoBF?

AdminShade November 22 2009 1:21 PM EST

Oops, they must have been incorrectly filled in last week, fixed now. :)

And about the players: it varies per week so don't be depressed :)
People playing for very short periods of time after another aren't mentioned in here.

AdminTal Destra November 22 2009 1:41 PM EST

why is the T-Shirt listed, its not like its ever going to go up or down

AdminTal Destra November 22 2009 1:50 PM EST

And im talking about the 2007 t-shirt in special items, not the tunics part

AdminShade November 22 2009 2:34 PM EST

That is the tunic... I could very well remove it, no problems whatsoever :p

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] November 22 2009 2:50 PM EST

Man that shade's weekly debt is going down real slow...maybe we should flag that guy as a credit risk ;].

AdminShade November 22 2009 4:38 PM EST

Flag me as a credit risk? I fail to see what good this would do to the debt I have... :p
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