Losses (in General)

Wraithlin November 19 2009 2:29 AM EST

I know you get some battle rewards for defensive wins and offensive losses. Do you get anything for defensive losses?

Sickone November 19 2009 2:32 AM EST

The answer is no, you get nothing from defensive losses.
If you would get something from that, you'd come back almost each day to some XP and/or extra cash.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] November 19 2009 2:32 AM EST

Nope, you only get experience for defensive draws and defensive wins.

Wraithlin November 19 2009 2:33 AM EST


kevlar November 19 2009 2:34 AM EST

"If you would get something from that, you'd come back almost each day to some XP and/or extra cash."

blue pill..blue pilll!

Wraithlin November 19 2009 2:37 AM EST

OMG the ExBow is op...wait, am I allowed to derail my own thread?

AdminShade November 19 2009 2:46 AM EST

a headache... :p
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