So tedious, but I'm finally there. Make me feel better guys ^^
November 18 2009 4:38 PM EST
HUGE congrats, gols! I am so with you, 4mil has been a huge goal for me since I took on this character, and I'm almost there! Can't wait >:)
gols, you say tedious, but you've only been playing for a couple of months. There's a whole pile of strategy now waiting for you. :)
gols.... blackshadowshade is right but still Congratz bro it is no small achievement!
November 18 2009 6:50 PM EST
W00T! Congrats dude! Your strategy is protected very well from DM. I may not even be able to beat you at equal MPR! You have such huge Armor on your first minion, and you have naturally trained HP. I may not even be able to kill your SG minion with the splash from my SoD! I'm going to have DM at 12+ million, I think, at 4 million MPR, so even if I dispel all of your AS, then I'll have trouble breaking through your AC. Only time can tell if I'll ever be able to break through RoS teams at the top, but I'm counting on it! Anyway, I think your strategy is nearly perfect! Keep going strong gols!
November 18 2009 6:50 PM EST
Keep up the growth.
Thanks Joel and everyone. I put much thought into my strategy and plan to keep it going for a long time :)
How long does it take for 4m mpr to 5m mpr?
November 18 2009 6:59 PM EST
I typically grow 100k a month. That is with buying BA everyday including Sunday and missing few natural BA.
Ten months to go sounds intimidating o.O
November 18 2009 7:02 PM EST
It does sound like a long time. Especially when your first 3+M MPR came in 6 months.
Congratulations! Now put it back together since you were the one to break it!
Absolutely brilliant work!
November 20 2009 8:59 AM EST
Just to add, not many people in this thread have ever reached 4m.....
November 20 2009 9:00 AM EST
I meant to say 'game' not thread....
Damn good work!
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